dilluns, 8 d’abril del 2013

We continue editing very cool things this blog

We found a shark fetus with 2 heads

dimarts, 29 de novembre del 2011


The rainforests of the world may seem a millon miles away from us, but each and every day there are men, women and children who lives deep in the dark jungle. How do they survive?. And what is it that keeps to find out?. Our correspondent went to find out. Here is her diary of the time she spent living with the people of the rainforests.

Les selves en el món estan a un milió de miles de distància de nosaltres, però cada un i cada dia hi ha homes, dones i nens que viuen a les profundes selves fosques. Com sobreviuen?. I què els manté allà?. El nostre corresponsal va anar a esbrinar. Aquí està el seu diari en el temps que ella va estar vivint amb la gent de la selva.
Albert Gonzalez, Helena Trigo i Laura Buyreu


English: I do not know what expect. Tomorrow I am flying into the heart of the jungle to meet with the community who I will live with for the next two weeks. I am terrified of the dangerous animals I may stumble across, not to mention the spiders, but I am desperate to find out how these people live.

Traduction: Jo no se que esperar. Demà estaré volant pel cor de la selva per trobar-me amb la comunitat amb qui viuré les següents dues setmanes. Estic aterrit pels animals perillosos que potser em creuaré, no menciono les aranyes, però estic desesperat per veure com viuen aquestes persones.

Sílvia Jimenez, Artur Torras and Isabel Sánchez.

Letter from Noah Sattle, leader from the Pèl-roges tribe to the white man 1854

"¿Como se puede comprar o vender el firmamento, ni aun el calor de la tierra? Dicha idea nos es desconocida.
Si no somos dueños de la frescura del aire ni del fulgor de las aguas, ¿Como podran ustedes comprarlos?
Cada parcela de esta tierra es sagrada para mi pueblo. Cada brillante mata de pino, cada grano de arena en las playas, cada gota de rocio en los bosques, cada altozano y hasta el sonido de cada insecto, es sagrada a la memoria y el pasado de mi pueblo. La savia que circula por las venas de los arboles lleva consigo las memorias de los pieles rojas.
Los muertos del hombre blanco olvidan su pais de origen cuando emprenden sus paseos entre las estrellas, en cambio nuestros muertos nunca pueden olvidar esta bondadosa tierra puesto que es la madre de los pieles rojas. Somos parte de la tierra y asimismo ella es parte de nosotros. Las flores perfumadas son nuestras hermanas; el venado, el caballo, la gran aguila; estos son nuestros hermanos. Las escarpadas peñas, los humedos prados, el calor del cuerpo del caballo y el hombre, todos pertenecemos a la misma familia.
Por todo ello, cuando el Gran Jefe de Washington nos envia el mensaje de que quiere comprar nuestras tierras, nos esta pidiendo demasiado. Tambien el Gran Jefe nos dice que nos reservara un lugar en el que podemos vivir confortablemente entre nosotros. El se convertira en nuestro padre, y nosotros en sus hijos. Por ello consideraremos su oferta de comprar nuestras tierras. Ello no es facil, ya que esta tierra es sagrada para nosotros.
El agua cristalina que corre por los rios y arroyuelos no es solamente agua, sino que tambien representa la sangre de nuestros antepasados. Si les vendemos tierras, deben recordar que es sagrada, y a la vez deben enseñar a sus hijos que es sagrada y que cada reflejo fantasmagorico en las claras aguas de los lagos cuenta los sucesos y memorias de las vidas de nuestras gentes. El murmullo del agua es la voz del padre de mi padre.
Llos rios son nuestros hermanos y sacian nuestra sed; son portadores de nuestras canoas y alimentan a nuestros hijos. Si les vendemos nuestras tierras, ustedes deben recordar y enseñarles a sus hijos que los rios son nuestros hermanos y tambien los suyos, y por lo tanto, deben tratarlos con la misma dulzura con que se trata a un hermano.
Sabemos que el hombre blanco no comprende nuestro modo de vida. El no sabe distinguir entre un pedazo de tierra y otro, ya que es un extraño que llega de noche y toma de la tierra lo que necesita. La tierra no es su hermana, sino su enemiga y una vez conquistada sigue su camino, dejando atras la tumba de sus padres sin importarle. Le secuestra la tierra de sus hijos. Tampoco le importa. Tanto la tumba de sus padres, como el patrimonio de sus hijos son olvidados.Trata a su madre, la Tierra, y a su hermano, el firmamento, como objetos que se compran, se explotan y se venden como ovejas o cuentas de colores. Su apetito devorara la tierra dejando atras solo un desierto. No se, pero nuestro modo de vida es diferente al de ustedes. La sola vista de sus ciudades apena la vista del piel roja. Pero quizas sea porque el piel roja es un salvaje y no comprende nada.
No existe un lugar tranquilo en las ciudades del hombre blanco, ni hay sitio donde escuchar como se abren las hojas de los arbolesen primavera o como aletean los insectos.Pero quiza tambien esto debe ser porque soy un salvaje que no comprende nada. El ruido parece insultar nuestros oidos. Y, despues de todo, ¿Para que sirve la vida, si el hombre no puede escuchar el grito solitario del chotacabras ni las discusiones nocturnas de las ranas al borde de un estanque? Soy un piel roja y nada entiendo. Nosotros preferimos el suave susurro del viento sobre la superficie de un estanque, asi como el olor de ese mismo viento purificado por la lluvia del mediodia o perfumado con aromas de pinos. El aire tiene un valor inestimable para el piel roja, ya que todos los seres comparten un mismo aliento - la bestia, el arbol, el hombre, todos respiramos el mismo aire. El hombre blanco no parece consciente del aire que respira; como un moribundo que agoniza durante muchos dias es insensible al hedor. Pero si les vendemos nuestras tierras deben recordar que el aire no es inestimable, que el aire comparte su espiritu con la vida que sostiene. El viento que dio a nuestros abuelos el primer soplo de vida, tambien recibe sus ultimos suspiros. Y si les vendemos nuestras tierras, ustedes deben conservarlas como cosa aparte y sagrada, como un lugar donde hasta el hombre blanco pueda saborear el viento perfumado por las flores de las praderas. Por ello consideraremos su oferta de comprar nuestras tierras. Si decidimos aceptarla, yo pondre una condicion: El hombre blanco debe tratar a los animales de esta tierra como a sus hermanos.
Soy un salvaje y no comprendo otro modo de vida. Hhe visto a miles de bufalos pudriendose en las praderas, muertos a tiros por el hombre blanco desde un tren en marcha. Soy un salvaje y no comprendo como una maquina humeante puede importar mas que el bufalo al que nosotros matamos solo para sobrevivir.
¿Que seria del hombre sin los animales? Si todos fueran exterminados, el hombre tambien moriria de una gran soledad espiritual; Porque lo que le sucede a los animales tambien le sucedera al hombre. Todo va enlazado.
Deben enseñarles a sus hijos que el suelo que pisan son las cenizas de nuestros abuelos.Inculquen a sus hijos que la tierra esta enriquecida con las vidas de nuestros semejantes a fin de que sepan respetarla. Enseñen a sus hijos que nosotros hemos enseñado a los nuestros que la tierra es nuestra madre. Todo lo que le ocurra a la tierra le ocurriria a los hijos de la tierra. Si los hombres escupen en el suelo, se escupen a si mismos.
Esto sabemos: la tierra no pertenece al hombre; el hombre pertenece a la tierra. Esto sabemos. Todo va enlazado, como la sangre que une a una familia. Todo va enlazado.
Todo lo que le ocurra a la tierra, le ocurrira a los hijos de la tierra. El hombre no tejio la trama de la vida; el es solo un hilo. Lo que hace con la trama se lo hace a si mismo. Ni siquiera el hombre blanco, cuyo Dios pasea y habla con el de amigo a amigo, queda exento del destino comun.
Despues de todo, quizas seamos hermanos. Ya veremos. Sabemos una cosa que quiza el hombre blanco descubra un dia: nuestro Dios es el mismo Dios. Ustedes pueden pensar ahora que El les pertenece lo mismo que desean que nuestras tierras les pertenezcan; pero no es asi. El es el Dios de los hombres y su compasion se comparte por igual entre el piel roja y el hombre blanco. Esta tierra tiene un valor inestimable para El y si se daña se provocaria la ira del creador. Tambien los blancos se extinguiran, quizas antes que las demas tribus. Contaminan sus lechos y una noche pereceran ahogados en sus propios residuos. Pero ustedes caminaran hacia su destruccion, rodeados de gloria, inspirados por la fuerza de Dios que los trajo a esta tierra y que por algun designio especial les dio dominio sobre ella y sobre el piel roja. Ese destino es un misterio para nosotros, pues no entendemos por que se exterminan los bufalos, se doman los caballos alvajes, se saturan los rincones secretos de los bosques con el aliento de tantos hombres y se atiborra el paisaje de las exuberantes colinas con cables parlantes.. ¿Donde esta el matorral? Destruido. ¿Donde esta el aguila? Desaparecio. Termina la vida y empieza la supervivencia."

If you can see the video in Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPXKRdsh2UM

DAY 14

Traduction in catalan:
És hora de que m'en vagi, i no obstant això no tinc cap desig de tornar a casa.He vist que la gent a les selves tenen un estil de vida increïble-viuen en harmonia amb tots els animals i plantes al voltant seu i han aprés amb el pas del temps per congeniar-se amb l'entorn per sobreviure. Trobaré a faltar els micos, el foc, el so dels ocells als arbres aprop. Però sobretot trobaré a faltar la família que em va ensenyar una diferent i especial manera de viure

Anna Alís i Madeline.


Do you like it??





Here's my drawing of a rainforest. I imagine that it can be like this:

divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

I imagine the rainforest...

This is how I imagine a rainforest!

I imagine a Rainforest...

I imagine the rainforest...

This is my picture about a rainforest!Hope you like it:)



After our single main meal of the day of rice and fish, the whole community sat around the fire and talked about their ancestors. I learned that all the knowledge they had of the forest was something that had taken their ancestors hundreds of years to discover. Thanks to them they now knew which fish were good to eat, and which plants could help the sick. Although none of them could read or write, they knew more about the jungle than any scientist I have ever met.


Després del nostre únic i senzill àpat que consistia en arròs i peix, tota la comunitat s’ha assegut al voltant del foc i hem parlat sobre els avantpassats. Vaig aprendre que tot el coneixement que tenien sobre el bosc l’havien pres dels avantpassats, que havien necessitat centenars d’anys per a descobrir-ho. Gràcies a ells sabem quin tipus de peix és saludable i bo per a menjar i també quines plantes poden ajudar als malalts. Encara que no hagin après a llegir i escriure, saben molt més sobre la selva que qualsevol altre científic que hagi creat.

Pau, Maite and Joana

Who lives in the rainforest?

Maria told me today that she remembers when the community was moved from where they once lived. A company of tree loggers bought the land the community lived on and so the family had no choice but to pack all their belongings and move. She is scared it may happen again. She says she cannot imagine living anywhere else but in amongst the trees. Here she has everything she needs all made from the jungle around her. She cannot imagine not having a river to wash in or not being able to plant her own rice.

The rainforests of the world may seem a millon miles away from us, but each and every day there are men, women and children who lives deep in the dark jungle.
How do they survive?. And what is it that keeps to find out?. Our correspondent went to find out. Here
is her diary of the time she spent living with the people of the rainforests.

Les selves en el món estan a un milió de miles de distància de nosaltres, però cada un i cada dia hi ha homes, dones i nens que viuen a les profundes selves fosques .
Com sobreviuen ells?. I què els manté?. El nostre corresponsal va anar esbrinar-ho. Aquí està el seu diari en el temps que ella va estar vivint amb la gent de la selva.

Who lives in the rainforest? Day 5

Day 5
Who lives in the rainforest?

One of the children in the community fell sick today and had a soaring fever. I immediately offered my painkiller tablets, but her mother Maria had a huge supply of lots of different plant and herb remedies which she expertly prepared for the sick child. In a few hours, the fever dropped. By the end of the evening, little Miali was playing with his friends in the waterfall by the river.

Un dels nens de la comunitat avui a caigut malalt i té una febre molt alta. Jo imediatament li he ofert les meves pastilles d'analgèsic, però la seva mare Maria tenia una cosa molt millor. Tenia una gran varietat de plantes i herbes medicinals que ella expertament prapara per als nens malalts. En poques hores, la febre va baixar. Al final del vespre, la petita Miali estava jugant amb els seus amics a la cascada del riu.

Andreu Pla and Núria Maudos

dijous, 24 de novembre del 2011

I imagine the rainforest look like...

I'm sorry but my mobile phone's camera doesn't have a good camera... :(
I tried to put a lamp to do more light and the picture improved the colour , but the quality is so bad too...

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011



In the tall trees in the rainforests lives Resly. It’s a young gorilla although he had got some hair worn. At the first time, it seemed he had a bad temper. But when I approached him, he was sympathetic. He had wounds from struggles and traits.

Every day I went to visit him but one day I did not see him. I began to search, screaming his name, but he didn’t exit. After a while, I heard shouts of animals that came from the thick of the rainforest. Until now I had not ventured into the thick rainforess. After a while, among the big trees, plants, insects ...I saw where the noise came. It was a large site with large wooden cabins.

There were some men with iron and wood cages (depending on the animal).I stared there for a while, prepared to go if I saw Resty. After few minutes I saw some men carrying Resty: they carried him to another place. I followed them t

rying not to be seen. People looked at me very badly. When they arrived to the place, I waited to be alone with Resty. At this moment, he saw me. While, I tried to open the cage with some keys that I found on the table. When I got it, I left Resty free, and we went in opposite directions because they didn’t follow us. But shortly after I heard a shot. I supposed it was Resty, but I could not go back to search him. I suppose that it was the end of a good friendship. When I arrived to Barcelona, I wrote this story, the story that you are reading now.

I imagine rainforest like this

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011

Do you like this photo?

This is a picture of a waterfall in a rainforest, it is very beautiful.
Do you like it??

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011

I imagine the rainforest look like...


In the dense rainforest of America, the Amazon, there was one monkey called Wilson. He was climbing across the trees. He was looking for some food, because he had to eat something for dinner. It began to be dark. The monkey starts climbing faster and suddenly he heard someone shouting. It was another monkey. Wilson started to run, fast, across the trees. He was trying to find out where the screams came from. The screams came from the river and here he saw that one baby monkey was drowning. Quickly he looked for something that can help the little monkey, and he found a liana. Wilson had an idea. He climbed on one tree and he went down with the liana. When the baby was below him, with his feet, caught the little monkey. Wilson decided to bring the baby to a safe tree. But when the baby was on the tree, Wilson fell in the river and the little monkey ran away. When he thought he was death, he saw a little beam of light crossing the water. Wilson stayed unconscious. It was a boat.
The monkey woke up slowly and his eyes saw two humans; one man and one woman that were talking. Wilson didn’t understand anything but he thought that they had saved his live and he wanted to thank them. The monkey walked to them and embraced them. The two persons smiled and the woman left the room. The man observed Wilson. He started to say something to him:
- Hello, Wilson. We decided to get that name to you. Our names are Joana and Cesc. When you’ll feel better, we are going to leave you in freedom again.
Wilson only understood something, but he thought that they were good persons. Joana arrived with a glass of water and some bananas. The monkey ran to her because he was hungry, and Joana gave to him three bananas and water.
The following day Wilson was very happy because he was free and safe. Joana and Cesc decided to do a magazine talking about monkeys. Wilson could climb across the trees again. 
Joana and Cesc 

these are some pictures of rainforest .
do you like it?¿
do you imagine were here?¿

This is a very beautiful photo of a rainforest. Do you like it??

The story of Maymun

We were walking through the Queensland rainforest in Australia. It was half past two, so we stopped to eat something. Roser, my friend, had a cheese and ham sandwich. I had a cheese sandwich. Suddenly, a little orangutan appeared from the bushes. He had big brown eyes. He took Roser’s sandwich, and when he tried to take mine, I caught him. Roser said:

-Don’t hurt him, he’s only an orangutan breeding!

-OK. What can we do? Look for his mother? Or leave him here?

-I want to look for his mother, we can’t leave him here. He’s too young.

-OK, so, let’s look for his mother!

We started walking through the rainforest. First, we went to the bushes where he had come. There wasn’t his mother there.

-Would you give him a name? - I asked.

-OK. – Answered Roser.

-We can give him a name in another language.

-Yes! I know, in Turkish, monkey is called “maymun”. Do you like it?

-Yes, I do. It’s a good name.

We were looking for his mum for a long time. We didn’t find his mother. We supposed his mum was killed, so we decided to go to the village. We returned to the route, and started walking from where we came. Maymun looked very thin and hungry, so we gave him a banana. He ate quickly. Then, he put himself on Roser’s rucksack, and started sleeping. One hour after we started walking, he woke up. He started shouting.

-What’s happening? Why is he shouting? – I said.

- I don’t know. Maybe he wants to...- Maymun didn’t let Roser finish the sentence. He jumped from Roser’s rucksack and landed on mine. He scratched it, he wanted to open it.- He’s like a baby, maybe he wants to eat something again!

-OK, but take him away from my rucksack, because, if you don’t, I can’t get the food!

-Okay, but, quick!

Roser took maymun away, he was still shouting. I took an apple this time. Maymun snatched me the apple and started eating again. Finally, we arrived at the village.

-Where can we go?-I asked Roser.

-Here there is a vet, we can go there and ask him.-she answered to me.

-That’s a good idea, let’s go.

We arrived to the vet, and asked for him.

-He’s in his office.-said to us the vet’s secretary.

We knocked on the door and a loud voice said:

-Come in.

We enter in the office, and then we explained to the vet (who was called Mark) Maymun’s problem.

-Are you sure that his mother wasn’t there?-asked him to us.

-Of course we are sure!-I answered.

-We looked for his mother for a lot of time!-said Roser.

-So, what do you want to do?-asked Mark.

-We want to give to Maymun a home.-I said.

-Can you talk with somebody who works in a nature reserve or something like that?-asked Roser.

-Hm... Let me think... Yes! I know a good guy who told me that he started working in a nature reserve, here in Queensland!

-Great!-we said at the same time.

-I’ll call him and I’ll tell you if he can take care of Maymun.

We waited out of the office. After a few minutes, Mark called us. When we entered again, he said:

-My friend says that there is no problem! They will give to Maymun a home.

-That’s fantastic!!-said Roser.

That afternoon, we went with Mark to the nature reserve where his friend works. He said to us:

-Thank you for bringing Maymun here. If you leave them alone in the rainforest, orangutan breedings die.

-You’re welcome-I said.

Two days later, Roser and I went to our houses with our families, here in Barcelona.

After a few days, Roser asked me in the playground:

-Would you like to go to Australia again to see Maymun?

-Oh, yes! It would be great!

So, two weeks later, Roser and I went again to Queensland. When we arrived to the nature reserve, we asked for Maymun. A guy called John went to look for Maymun’s carer, a guy called Brian. Brian arrived with Maymun, and Maymun jumped to us! He looked very happy. We hugged him, and we asked to him:

-Hi! How are you, Maymun?

He is very happy to stay here, he’s having a good life-said Brian to us.

Roser and I were very happy too.

Andrea and Roser

I imagine the rainforest ...

By Queralt Molera.

My friend Tití

Núria and Andrea are best friends. Last summer they decided to go to the rainforest.
Two weekends before the trip, Núria and Andrea went to the hospital to get vaccinated because in the rainforest we can’t get an illness.

(2nd August, two weekends later at half past six)
Núria and Andrea stayed at the airport. At the moment they were in the plane. Andrea was very excited because she had never gone up a plane. At seven o’clock the plane took off. Three hours later the plane arrived in Brazil. They went to the information office and they hired a guide, Jonny. They went to the indigenous settlement. They arrived at the indigenous settlement. At night the indigenous danced a traditional dance around the fire, late they went to bed.

(2nd day...)
At six o’clock Jonny woke up the girls for breakfast. Later Jonny took Núria and Andrea to the rainforest and they met a monkey. This was a baby monkey. Núria and Andrea decided to put a name to the monkey. His name is Tití. Later Jonny found a wound in Tití ‘s leg. Then they decided to take Tití to a nature reserve of monkeys. They decided to sleep in the nature reserve.
Three days later Núria and Andrea went to Barcelona but from that day, they go to Brazil every summer to visit Tití.
If they were with Tití, they would be very happy.

I imagine rainforest like this