divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

Who lives in the rainforest? Day 5

Day 5
Who lives in the rainforest?

One of the children in the community fell sick today and had a soaring fever. I immediately offered my painkiller tablets, but her mother Maria had a huge supply of lots of different plant and herb remedies which she expertly prepared for the sick child. In a few hours, the fever dropped. By the end of the evening, little Miali was playing with his friends in the waterfall by the river.

Un dels nens de la comunitat avui a caigut malalt i té una febre molt alta. Jo imediatament li he ofert les meves pastilles d'analgèsic, però la seva mare Maria tenia una cosa molt millor. Tenia una gran varietat de plantes i herbes medicinals que ella expertament prapara per als nens malalts. En poques hores, la febre va baixar. Al final del vespre, la petita Miali estava jugant amb els seus amics a la cascada del riu.

Andreu Pla and Núria Maudos

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